Friday, January 4, 2013

it's the weekend... dig in.

Katharine Hepburn shovels snow off the roof of her Turtle Bay townhouse (244 E 49th St.) where she lived for more than 60 years.
Well, there it is... the first, albeit abbreviated, work week of 2013 is nearly behind us. I'm looking forward to hitting the market and making breakfast for my friend D. -  lots more "eating in" this year, I think! And on Sunday night I'm starting a five-week script-writing course including classes with this guy and this guy.

So as we kick off the first weekend of a new year, here are some things I've been enjoying this week:

* follow. Can't get enough of  the out-of-this-world snapshots and updates on Cmdr. Chris Hadfield's Twitter feed from the International Space Station. (Bonus: the Twitter exchange between Cmdr. Hadfield and William Shatner!)

* admire.  So much good stuff on Brain Pickings but I particularly love this piece on scientific mysteries illustrated by some of today's hottest artists.

* listen.  Speaking of science, I've been on a big Radiolab kick recently.  Their weekly program is endlessly fascinating and I love their 20 minute shorts when my brain needs a little kickstart.

* make. Yesterday my aunt shared a 2013-Creative-Pay-it-Forward on Facebook:

2013Creative Pay-It-Forward: The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me sometime in the next calendar year,a gift---perhaps a book, or baked goods, or a candle,music- s surprise! There will likely be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me. The catch? Those five people must make the same offer in their FB status.
Then one of my dearest friends passed it on and I decided to get in on the action. Within 20 minutes our Facebook feeds were full of updates of people joining in.  Today I've seen promises of personalized short stories, paintings and 15-second jingles.  I love the idea that all kinds of creative goodies will be changing hands throughout the year.  And I'm already thinking about what I'll make for five very different people...

* watch. This will make your day. Adorable.

Marrying At 100 from Zack Conkle on Vimeo.

How will you be spending this winter weekend?

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