Saturday, May 30, 2009


Just a little green
Like the colour when the spring is born.

My dog Henry doesn't volunteer to walk. Ever. He likes to putter around our backyard in Fredericton or he will walk in the park... if you drive him there first. But if his feet touch pavement he refuses to move. But for whatever reason - maybe it was the salt air, maybe he was trying to get back to the city - he decided at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning on Grand Manan that it was time for a morning constitutional.

I was, understandably, less enthusiastic about this idea than he was. It was foggy and wet and Saturday but once we got outside with the dew on the trees, geese on the wing and the smell of green in the air, it was kind of lovely. Except for the slugs. I don't care for slugs.

Now, where's my coffee?


PS Spending a lot of time with Mason Jennings - I'm fairly certain it's love.

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